FIFA 22 closed beta is predicted to be accessible in August 2021. Here is a quick guide to things you need to know about FIFA 22 beta version, and possibly how to become a beta tester.
What is FIFA 22 Closed Beta?
FIFA 22 Closed Beta is an invitational beta test version of FIFA 22 video-game which will be released to a selected group of FIFA gamers in order to perform a user pre-release test for the game. As explained, it is only invitational and will be available only to a select group of FIFA users.
How will Beta Testers Get Selected?
Basically, no body knows how FIFA beta testers are being chosen by EA. Only EA knows the selection formula for FIFA 22 beta testing. But from the experience from FIFA community, these are the guesses and myths that might explain how EA selects the beta testers.
- FIFA Beta version is only available in Europe, North America and Australia.
- Selected users are mostly active FIFA users.
- If you have been selected before, you will most likely be selected again for the new version.
- User whose accounts received warning from EA regarding any illegal activity before, would less likely to be selected.
How to Receive a FIFA 22 Closed Beta Invitation?
To become eligible and stand a chance to receive a FIFA 22 beta invitation, you will need go through the following steps:
Login to your EA account at origin.com and navigate to your profile page.

Go to the Community Playtesting page at Origin setting section and opt in yourself as a volunteer for beta testing for EA game (Log-in required).

Then, go to the Email Preference page and subscribe to email newsletters and notifications for FIFA.
Next, keep playing FIFA 21, especially the mode you would like to be a beta tester for – For example, if you like to be a FUT beta tester, be active in playing the FUT mode.
Then, keep your fingers crossed that you get selected by EA.
Finally, follow the news from the community about FIFA 22 beta to stay in touch. The FIFA 22 Closed Beta page at FIFPlay is usually up to dated and releases the latest and how to guide regarding the beta matters.
I have done all of these before but not lucky enough to be selected thus far.
I’ve done this so many times but never got to play fifa ** beta but I hope that I can do it this time!