My COC Village

My COC Village

A screenshot of My Clash of Clans Village.

Healthy Foods for Video-Gamers

Healthy Foods for Video-Gamers

Playing video-games for a long time could damage your health, if you are pro gamer like me, your eyes, bones, heart and brain health could be at the risk of getting slowly damaged.

Which Features FIFA 17 Needs to Have

Which Features FIFA 17 Needs to Have

FIFA is one of the most favourite video-game franchises in the market. The main reason that this game's sales rate keeps going up every year, is that its developers do give their best to improve the game for its next versions.

FIFA 06 Memory

FIFA 06 Memory

FIFA 2006 online multiplayer results screen. I was going through my photo files and suddenly saw this.

FIFA 08 Credits

FIFA 08 Credits

FIFA 08 credits screen. I was involved with FIFA 08 data collections at EA Sports for the teams and players info and details.