How to Re-open a Tab that is Accidentally closed
If you accidentally closed a browser tab, you can re-open it using Shift + Ctrl + T on Windows / Shift + Command + T on Mac. Crtl + Z / Command + Z shortcut keys will also do the same on some browsers.
Make your Phone’s or Laptop’s Battery Charge Last Longer
Being low at the battery charge is a common issue these days. Your device’s battery can get old, but there are some tips to make your device consume less energy as follows:
- Close the apps that you do not use
- Turn off your wifi or mobile data (3G/4G) when not using.
- Put your device on Plane mode
- Dim your screen brightness
- Put your device on energy saving mode
How to Recharge Your Phone when the Charger isn’t There
There are some ways to recharge your phone or tablet even when you don’t have your charger with you. Some TVs have USB port which could recharge your phone. In this case what you need is a USB cable that is compatible with your phone. Below is also a list of devices with USB ports:
- Desktop and laptop computers
- Gaming consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox
- Cars and vehicles
How to Stop Ads When Playing Games
Sometimes having ads popping up when playing mobile games could be quite annoying. The good news is that some ad server using a script that won’t work when your mobile device is on Airplane mode. So, setting your device to the Airplane mode could stop ads on some games.
Places with Free Wireless Access
There is always a place free wifi access in the town. Usually restaurants and eateries offer free internet access. All you need is to spot these locations and access their wifi. Some of them will give you a totally free access, while some others will give the access only when you buy something from them. In that case, you can order something cheap from them to get their wifi – For example, you can just order a bottle of water or chips. These are some places with free wifi:
- McDonald’s (Totally free)
- Starbucks (With order only)
- KFC (With order only)
- Burger King (Totally free)
Avoid Getting Hacked
Your laptop or mobile devices can get hacked easily if they are not protected. Here I would like to review some very simple ways for avoiding getting hacked while using internet:
Be Careful with Your Passwords
Be obsess when it comes to setting passwords. Whether it’s your wifi password or your password for your email address, you should be careful. Choose passwords with combination of letter (lower and uppercase), digits and characters. For example if you want to make password with your name, mix it with numbers and characters. And even for your letters, choose both lower and upper case letters. For instance, “JohnSmiTH_1995@FloRida#89”. This complexity could prevent your account of being hacked.
Disconnect from Internet Regularly
Disconnecting your computer or mobile devices from internet can prevent being hacked. Switch off your device from internet for a short while and then switch it on again. This could disconnect the hacker from your device if you’re being hacked.
Reboot Your Wifi Router Regularly
Reseting/rebooting your wifi router will also prevent your wifi connection from getting hacked by a hacker. Hackers usually are looking for a stable connections where they can take their time to hack into. When you reboot your Wifi modem, you cut off their connection from your network IP address, so your connection would be more healthy.
Use VPN Connections If Possible
Using VPN servers to use internet is very secure. VPN services are not usually free, but there are some free services on the net. If you are concern about your connections, go for a VPN service and use it especially when you are using public wifi services.