One of my challenges in my work was the time management. I always wanted to find a way to be more productive at my work and to split my time into WORK time and MY time. I have done many researches, followed loads of instructions, listened to a bunch of lectures and gave my best to apply the modifications to my time management. Here are some basics on time management fundamental that I can call them the “very working ones”. By following these basic tips I felt my working style has been changed effectively in terms of the time management and the productivity.
Here in this post I would like to share these basic tips with you. As always, I’m seeking your notes and comments on this article, so please feel free to drop your feedback.
Basics, Groundworks & Principles
The main goal of managing your time is to increase your productivity. By improving your productivity you will be more successful at your work, as well as in your personal life. Keep in mind that to achieve this goal you will need to put more emphasis on the principles. It doesn’t matter what technology or tools you are using to improve your productivity, what matters is your principles. Whether you are using the most hi-tech smart phone or tablet to manage your time or a piece of paper, what is essential is that you follow the principles and commit to them.
Make sure you have always the basic and essential items with you to manage your time. These items are your calendar, your contacts and your task list (your notes). As mentioned above, you can manage them using digital tools and apps or just keep them on paper. What is important is to just get into the habit of using them to manage your time and improve your productivity.
To be more productive, you need to be motivated. Ask yourself this question: What would I do if I had an extra 10 hours per week? Or an extra hours a day? … Would you spend it on writing a book? Playing football? Doing some freelance work? Studying? This is the thing you need to find an answer for to motivate yourself to be more productive.
Once you got the answer, write it down on a card and put it somewhere where you can see it everyday. Write a plan for it and give your best to achieve it.
Avoiding Obstructers
To manage your time, you need to know what are the barriers to your productivity. One of those barriers, is multi-tasking.
Many people think multitasking is productive but it usually requires you to spend more time and to finish up with not the best result. They say time is money, so why would you want to spend more time on two tasks by doing them at the same time (which is caused by task switching) while you can spend less time if you get them done separately?
Another thing happens when multitasking and that is you can sacrifice quality. Multitasking will bring you less concentration and that will give a lower quality outcome. Switching tasks can also cause you more stress which will negatively affect your productivity and even your health. So, avoid multi-tasking and focus on one task at a time. This will bring you a better result indeed.
A Tidy Workplace
An organised and tidy work place will help you to save time and manage your tasks better. Try to keep your desk and work space clean and organised. This will help you to access your tools quicker and move on from one completed task to the next more easily. Place the items you need the most closer to you, so you spend less time switching between them.
Focus and concentrate on the task you’re doing. Try your best to accomplish it. Do not think about anything else other than the task you are involved in at the time. One of the common mistakes people do when doing their job is to think about the other stuff such as about their free time and this cause them to think about their work at their free time. This brings you more mistakes and increases your stress level. Manage your mind by focusing on only tasks you’re supposed to do.
Budgeting Your Time
Remember, when you’re at work, just think about your work and when you are at your free time, forget about the work. Split your time into work time and free time. The time you’re involved with work, is your work time (including even the time you’re traveling to work). And the time you’re not working, is your free time. For example, if your working time is from 9am to 5pm, the time you need to get ready and go to to work is considered your work time, so if you need to get up by 8.15am to get ready, have your breakfast and travel to your office, your work time starts technically from 8.15am. Once you finished your work at 5pm, stop thinking about your work and do not do anything related to your work, because after 5pm your free time starts.
Therefore, by splitting your time into “work time” and “your free time” you will have better understanding of time management and it makes you more focused and more productive even in your personal life.