The controls and button layouts guide for Injection pi 23 Ars Regia game (PS4, PS5 and Xbox). To enter the game enter password: 4R5 R3G14
Humans Controls
Action | PlayStation | Xbox One / PC |
Move | L | L |
FOV | L3 | L3 |
Camera Rotate | R | R |
Flashlight | R3 | R3 |
Action | X | A |
Jump | Circle | B |
Sprint (Run) | Square | X |
Map / Inventory | Triangle | Y |
Reload | R1 | RB |
Shoot | R2 | RT |
Crouch | L1 | LB |
Aim | L2 | LT |
First Person | D-Pad Up | D-Pad Up |
Classic Cameras | D-Pad Down | D-Pad Down |
This Free Cam | D-Pad Left | D-Pad Left |
Autocam | D-Pad Right | D-Pad Right |
Light Mode | Trackpad | Trackpad |
Pause Menu | Options | Menu |