FIFA is one of the most favourite video-game franchises in the market. The main reason why this game’s sales rate keeps going up every year, is that its developers do give their best to improve the game for its next versions.
I started managing FIFA online community since I was a teenage. One of my responsibilities as a FIFA community manager has been providing and developing an online platform for FIFA users for receiving their thoughts and feedback for the next version of the FIFA game. Here I would like to write my own FIFA 17 wishlist – the features that I believe they could improve the next version of FIFA football game, FIFA 17.
Besides a better and an improved gameplay, I think the following features are needed to be in the game:
Women’s Football in FIFA Ultimate Team
Women’s football has finally stepped into the football gaming since FIFA 16, it’s time now for FIFA 17 to have female players available in FUT too. In FIFA 17 Ultimate Team, you could be forming a Women squad where only your female player cards can go to. Female players could be available in FUT 17 packs as well as in the Transfer Market.
A FUT Women’s squad could only face a female squad as in online and offline matches. There could be some ladies’ tournaments as well.
Referee Mode
As one of the most wanted features in FIFA fans’ wishlists, a Referee Mode has been always requested by the community since FIFA 07 – As long as I remember, in fact, I.myself was one of the people who were asking EA Sports about this since ages ago. I believe that this game mode could evolve the football gaming.
I personally have made a referee game (which is technically the first ever football ref game on the planet) to show that it isn’t impossible to develop such a game mode. This referee web-game, which is called Football Referee, is available to play at www.fifplay.com/football-referee
FUT Legends for All Platforms
People like me, who play FIFA on PlayStation always wish to have FUT legendary players available on their platform. FUT Legends are currently an exclusive content for Xbox only. After reading FIFA 17 fans’ wishlists at FIFPlay, I realised that so many people asked EA for adding the legend players to FIFA 17. You can check it out by yourself here at www.fifplay.com/fifa17-wishlist
Youth Football
Young players and youth teams should be available in FIFA 17 and FUT 17. You could be able to form a youth club by including over 18 young players from your FUT club. Youth player cards could be found in FUT packs and the FUT transfer market. This could be applied to the female clubs as well.
Skills Motion Studio
FIFA 17 could have a features where you could design your player’s special skill moves in Career Mode. An editor within the Player Edit mode where you could design a motion and control and apply it to your created player.
Real Managers
FIFA is full of real players and clubs, although you can have some real manager cards in the Ultimate Team, you cannot see the real managers and their faces in the game at the moment. Real manager faces could be visible on the pitch when they do the coaching, and this could bring more fun to the game.
More and More Leagues
Take a look at the FIFA 17 Leagues Vote at FIFPlay (www.fifplay.com/fifa17-leagues-vote) and then you will appreciate the need of having more leagues in FIFA 17. So far, there are more than 1.5 million of votes from FIFA fans dropped for their favourite leagues.
So, I think EA really needs to add at least one new league to FIFA 17 – Unlike, what they have done it to FIFA 16.
Feel free to add your own FIFA 17 wishlist here if you got any!
I wish that Fifa 17 will have a better commentary.