Like every year I’m writing my own wishlist for the coming FIFA game, FIFA 18. Here are my ideas and suggestions which could be improving the upcoming FIFA 18 game. I have already written these ideas at FIFPlay’s FIFA 18 Wishlist page (www.fifplay.com/fifa-18-wishlist) … But here I’m adding more details to them.
Women’s Football in Ultimate Team Mode
Like what I wished for FIFA 17, I believe Women’s players should be available in FUT 18. FIFA Ultimate Team really needs this feature. Imagine you could have a female squad in your FUT club and play matches and tournaments against other female squads as in online and offline mode.
The Journey or Career Mode with FIFA World Cup Features
Fortunately the Journey mode has been already confirmed for FIFA 18 (www.fifplay.com/fifa-18-the-journey). So my idea is to add the FIFA World Cup qualification/final matches within this mode. This feature could be available in the Career Mode as well. 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held next year in Russia, I’m not sure whether there will be a standalone World Cup game or a DLC for FIFA 18 from EA for this tournament, but either way I think EA Sports can work on it and connect The Journey and/or Career Mode to this event somehow.
Skill Motion Studio
FIFA 18 could have a features where you could design your player’s special skill moves in Career Mode. An editor within the Player Edit mode where you could design a motion and control and apply it to your Pro player.
German 3. Liga and Chinese Super League
I think FIFA 18 really needs these two leagues. German 3rd Bundesliga and Chinese Leagues are also the most wanted leagues for FIFA 18. You can see it yourself here www.fifplay.com/fifa-18-leagues-vote
Got you any idea or wish list for FIFA 18? You can either write it here below this post or just got to FIFPlay’s FIFA 18 wishlist page at www.fifplay.com/fifa-18-wishlist
hey i have an idea for pro clubs. for making video that represents your play as a pro,which could be used when searching for players or teams.i was thinking that if the video recording system where changed ,so that you had possiblities to enter your video clips in categories right away you record them, with a system of commands on the controller that can categories video clips specific for fifa pro clubs .so f.eks if you press y,x it will categories the clip as lets say specific passing category as maybe through ball.so you could choose maybe 5 different passing categories f.eks through ball passes,crosses,combinations,short passes,passing assists form tied angles,unpredictable through ball et,c so each command could categories your video clip ,and you could quickly put up a video of rellavant video clips which shows how you play.by going into your video clips and just search in the gategories of yours .. like passing (which could include maybe 5-10 specific categories which are the same to all fifa 18 users,which would make it possible for other users to search for a certain type of passer,dribbler ,goal scorer ,cdm etc)then you make clips for passings,shoting,goals,defending. etc and then you search for a palyer which have made videos that shows both specific type of passing,defending,goalscoring etc as a cam,def,st or cdm etc.